Working Papers (2010)

9, 2010

Foreign direct investment in Italian local public transport

autori Cristina Bargero
Ires Piemonte)

Graziella Fornengo
(Università di Torino)


Abstract - This paper first offers a global view of the geographic expansion of the LPT European Global players in the last three years in order to test (and reject) the hypothesis of a proximity effect. The methodology of case studies is then used to analyze three cross-board mergers in the Italian market of local public transport, named Arriva, Transdev and RATP. On the basis of several information sources (AIDA data base, financial statements of the firms involved, web sites, local authorities policies etc) we analyze the different strategies of entry in different local markets, looking first at the difference in the share acquired, and consequently at the extent of foreign control. Then, according to the literature, we try to explore the role of the different hypotheses moving the acquiring foreign firms.

  | this page updated 09/30/2010