Working Papers (2005)

2, 2005 The Impacts of Demand Side Elasticity on the Electricity Power Exchange Performances:  an Application to the Italian Market

Graziano ABRATE
Università di Pavia, HERMES

DELET - Politecnico di Torino

Yuchao MA
DELET - Politecnico di Torino

Roberto NAPOLI
DELET - Politecnico di Torino



This paper proposes a model to assess the role of demand elasticity in mitigating the effects of supply side strategic bidding behaviour in a spot electricity market. We model the supply side within a Conjectural Supply Function (CSF) framework, which allows incorporating exogenous changes in demand elasticity and different levels of competition in a given market. The impacts of demand responsiveness on the market performances are studied resorting to a set of proposed indexes that are applied to a model of the Italian market.

  | this page updated 07/21/2005